



Travel offers governed by these terms and conditions are offered by Destination Clubbing, a trademark company of TRAVEL EVENT SAS, whose registration number in the register of French travel agencies is IM092150007. TRAVEL EVENT also holds a Financial Guarantee provided by Groupama with contract number 4000713533/0 and Professional Liability provided by Hiscox with contract number HAPRC0117303.

VAT: FR50802893974


All information contained on the website, the product file, the programme from the organiser and details of the stay constitute prior information as defined in articles L.211-9, L211-10, R.211-4 and R.211-5 of the French Tourism Code and may be subject to change. The Buyer must make themselves aware of these specific and general sales conditions. These conditions of sale apply to all products sold by the Organizer. They are part of the contract with Destination Clubbing. Acceptance of the terms and conditions of sale by the Purchaser is a prerequisite for all bookings and/or order of services offered by the Organiser. The order is governed by the terms and conditions in force on the date of placing the order and the Purchaser acknowledges the binding nature of these conditions of sale. These conditions of sale are accessible at any time via a hyperlink on every page of the website Destination Clubbing. These sales conditions have been translated for your convenience. Destination Clubbing is a brand managed by a French company depending on French law. The conditions written in French are the only ones applicable.

General terms of sale

In accordance with articles L211-7 and L211-16 of the French Tourism Code, the provisions of Articles R211-3 R211-11 of the French Tourism Code the text of which is reproduced below, the above shall not apply to booking operations or the selling of tickets that do not fall within the framework of a tourist package. The 'electronic' brochure, the proposal, the organiser's programme constitutes the prior information referred to in article R211-8 of the French Tourism Code. Therefore, in the absence of contrary provisions, the characteristics, prices and special conditions of travel as indicated on the website will be binding upon acceptance of the terms and conditions of sale. The display of the details of the trip is, before acceptance by the buyer, the prior information referred to in article R211-8 of the French Tourism Code. In case of transfer of contract, the transferor and/or transferee shall pay the resulting costs.

Extract from the french tourism code

Article R211-3
Subject to the exclusions set out in the third and fourth paragraph of article L.211-7, any offer and sale of travel services or stays result in the delivery of appropriate documents meeting the rules defined in this section. In case of sale of airline tickets or tickets online not accompanied by benefits related thereto, the seller delivers to the buyer one or more tickets for the entire trip, issued by the carrier or under its responsibility. In the case of transport on request, the name and address of the carrier on whose behalf the tickets are issued must be mentioned. The separate invoicing of the various elements of the same tourist package price does not relieve the seller of their obligations under the regulatory provisions of this section.

Article R211-3-1
The exchange of pre-contractual information or the provision of contractual conditions shall be done in writing. This may be electronically under the conditions of validity and exercise under sections 1369-1 to 1369-11 of the Civil Code. The name or business name and address of the seller and the indication of its registration in the register provided for in article L.143 has-1 or, where applicable, the name, address and indication of the registration of the federation or union mentioned in the second paragraph of article R.211-2 are mentioned.

Article R211-4
Prior to the conclusion of the contract, the seller must provide the consumer with information on prices, dates and other components of the services provided during the journey or stay, such as:
1) The destination, means, characteristics and categories of transport used;
2) The accommodation, its location, level of comfort and main characteristics, its certification and tourism classification corresponding to the regulations or practices of the host country;
3) Meals provided;
4) The description of the itinerary when it is a tour;
5) Administrative and health formalities;
6) Visits, excursions and other services included in the package or available at an extra cost;
7) The minimum or maximum group size for the journey or stay and, if the journey or stay is subject to a minimum number of participants, the deadline for informing the consumer in case of cancellation of the journey or stay, the date of which may not be set at less than twenty-one days before departure;
8) The amount or percentage of the price to be paid as a deposit on the contract and the payment schedule for the balance;
9) The method of price adjustment as provided in the contract pursuant to article R.211-8;
10) Conditions of cancellation of a contractual nature;
11) Cancellation conditions defined in articles R.211-9, R.211-10 and R.211-11;
12) Information on the optional conclusion of an insurance contract covering the consequences of certain cases of cancellation or an assistance contract covering certain specific risks, including repatriation in case of accident or disease;
13) When the contract includes air transportation, information for each flight leg, under articles R.211-15 to R.211-18.

Article R211-5
The prior information provided to the consumer binds the seller, unless the seller has expressly reserved the right to modify certain elements. The seller must, in this case, clearly indicate to what extent these changes may occur and on which elements. In any event, changes to the prior information must be communicated to the consumer before the contract is concluded.

Article R211-6
The contract between the seller and the buyer must be in writing, in duplicate, one copy of which is delivered to the purchaser, and signed by both parties. When the contract is concluded electronically, it is concluded pursuant to articles 1369-1 to 1369-11 of the Civil Code. The contract must include the following clauses:
1) The name and address of the seller, its guarantor and insurer and the name and address of the organiser;
2) The travel destination(s) and, in the case of multiple destinations, the relevant periods, with dates;
3) the means, characteristics and categories of transport to be used, the dates, times and points of departure and return;
4) The accommodation, its location, level of comfort and main characteristics and tourist classification under the regulations or customs of the host country;
5) Meals provided;
6) The itinerary if it is a tour;
7) Visits, excursions or other services included in the total price of the trip or stay;
8) The total price of services invoiced and an indication of any revision of this billing under the provisions of article R.211-8; 9) An indication, if appropriate, of fees or taxes for certain services such as landing, embarkation or disembarkation fees at ports and airports, residential taxes when they are not included in the price of the service or services provided;
10) The timing and manner of payment of the price, the last payment made by the purchaser cannot be less than 30% of the price of the journey or holiday and must be completed when submitting documents for the journey or stay;
11) Special conditions requested by the purchaser and accepted by the seller;
12) The manner in which the purchaser may make a claim with the seller for non-performance or improper performance of the contract; said complaint must be sent as soon as possible, by any means capable of producing a receipt to the seller, and, where appropriate, notified in writing to the tour operator and the service provider concerned;
13) The deadline for informing the purchaser in case of cancellation of the trip or stay by the seller in the event that the journey or stay is subject to a minimum number of participants, in accordance with point 7 of article R.211-4;
14) Conditions of cancellation of a contractual nature;
15) The cancellation policy provided for in articles R.211-9, R.211-10 and R.211.11;
16) Details of the risks covered and the amounts guaranteed under the insurance contract covering the consequences of the professional liability of the seller;
17) Information concerning the insurance contract covering the consequences of certain cases of cancellation by the purchaser (policy number and name of the insurer) and those concerning the assistance contract covering certain specific risks, including repatriation costs in case of accident or illness, in this case, the seller must provide the purchaser with a document specifying the risks covered and the risks excluded as a minimum;
18) The deadline for informing the seller in case of transfer of the contract by the purchaser;
19) Commitment to provide the buyer, at least ten days before the scheduled date of departure, with the following information:
  a) The name, address and telephone number of the seller's local representative or, failing this, the names, addresses and telephone numbers of local organisations likely to help the consumer in case of difficulty or, failing that, the phone number to be used in case of needing to contact the seller in an emergency;
  b) For travel and holidays for minors abroad, a telephone number and an address to establish a direct contact with the child or the person's place of residence;
20) The clause concerning cancellation and refund of the amounts paid by the purchaser in the event of non-compliance with the disclosure requirement in paragraph 13 of article R. 211-4;
21) The commitment to provide to the buyer, in good time before the start of the journey or stay, the time of departure and arrival.

Article R211-7
The purchaser may transfer the contract to a transferee who fulfils the same conditions as the latter to make the trip or stay, as long as the contract has no effect. Unless more favourably stipulated to the transferor, they are obliged to inform the seller of their decision by any means capable of producing a receipt no later than seven days before the start of the trip. As for cruises, this period is extended to fifteen days. This transfer is subject, in any case, to prior authorization from the seller.

Article R211-8
If the contract contains an express right to revise prices within the limits set out in article L.211-12, it must state the precise calculation methods, both upward and downward price changes, including the costs of transport and related taxes, the currency or currencies that may affect the price of the trip or stay, the share of the price to which the variation applies, the price of the currency or currencies used as a reference when setting the price in the contract.

Article R211-9
When, before the purchaser’s departure, the seller is forced to make a change to one of the essential elements of the contract such as a significant price rise and when it disregards the disclosure requirement referred to in paragraph 13 of article R.211-4, the purchaser may, without prejudice to recourse to redress for any damages incurred, and after having been informed by the vendor by any means capable of producing an acknowledgment: -either cancel the contract and obtain immediate reimbursement of the sums paid; -Or accept the modification or replacement trip offered by the vendor: an amendment to the contract specifying the changes made is then signed by the parties, any decrease in price will be deducted from any amounts remaining due from the purchaser, and if the payment already made by the latter exceeds the price of the modified service, the over-payment must be returned before the date of departure.

Article R211-10
In the case set out in article L.211-14, when, before the purchaser's departure, the seller cancels the trip or stay, they must inform the buyer by any means able to obtain an acknowledgment receipt, the purchaser, without prejudice to recourse to redress for any damages incurred, obtains from the seller immediate reimbursement of the sums paid without penalty, the purchaser receives, in this case, compensation at least equal to the penalty that they would have paid if the cancellation was due to them on this date. The provisions of this article do not in any way prevent the conclusion of an amicable agreement for acceptance by the purchaser, or a substitute trip offered by the seller.

Article R211-11
hen, after the purchaser’s departure, the seller is unable to provide a major part of the services under the contract, representing a significant percentage of the price paid by the purchaser, the seller must immediately take the following measures without prejudice to recourse to redress for any damages incurred: - Either offer services in lieu of services set out, bearing any extra cost, and if the services accepted by the purchaser are of inferior quality, the seller shall refund, upon the purchaser’s return, the price difference - Or, if the seller is unable to offer any alternative service or if they are rejected by the buyer for valid reasons, provide the buyer, at no additional cost, with travel tickets to ensure their return, in conditions considered equivalent, to the place of departure or to another place accepted by both parties. The provisions of this article shall apply in case of non-compliance with the obligation under article 13 of R.211-4.

Specific conditions of sale

1. Definitions

1.1 Organiser/Travel Agency: means Destination Clubbing

In the sale of dynamic packages, Destination Clubbing acts as tour organiser and is subject to articles L.211-1 and following of the Tourism Code.

In the sale of airline tickets, Destination Clubbing acts as an intermediary between the buyer and suppliers. Pursuant to article L.211-17 of the Tourism Code, Destination Clubbing escapes strict liability for all booking operations or sales that do not fall within the definition of a package holiday as defined in article L.211-2 of the Tourism Code.

In the rental of hotel rooms, apartments, villas or cars, Destination Clubbing acts as an intermediary between the purchaser and suppliers. Pursuant to article L.211-17 of the Tourism Code, Destination Clubbing escapes strict liability for all booking operations or sales that do not fall within the definition of a package holiday as defined in article L.211-2 of the Tourism Code.

1.2 Purchaser: Means any natural or legal person who books, orders and/or buys a service offered by the organiser, such as the provision of air tickets, the provision of packages/holiday packages and other services.

1.3 Group: Products sent on the site are addressed exclusively to individual customers with a maximum of 9 people per folder. From 10 people upwards, the folder is a group subject to special pricing.

1.4 Price: Travel offers on the site Destination Clubbing, governed by these conditions of sale, are normally valid as long as they remain online until depletion of the available spaces, and can vary in real time. Offers and prices are updated continuously by providers and fluctuate beyond the control of the Organizer.

1.5 Purchase: In accordance with the requirements of article 1369-8 of the Civil Code, the Purchaser accepts the use of electronic media as a way of concluding the contract. The order being an order by which the Purchaser requests the Organizer runs the service, it is not final confirmation. It shall inform the Purchaser that it is registered for processing. The file will be considered booked and confirmed after validation of payment.

By email, Destination Clubbing sends an acknowledgment indicating that the reservation is being processed. This acknowledgment reminds of the essential elements and the folder number. Destination Clubbing forwards the Purchaser confirmation of the order reminding of the essential elements (the service reserved, price, quantity, date of travel, names of the beneficiary of the service etc.). In the absence of such a document, the reservation has not been taken into account. In accordance with article 1369-5 of the Civil Code, the order and the order confirmation are considered received when the parties to whom they are addressed are able to access them.

The purchaser must ensure the good reception of the confirmation email and regularly consult their inbox, including by checking email in the "Spam" or "Junk" folders. If the Purchaser transmits erroneous details in one of the elements of the order, Destination Clubbing cannot be held liable. Any casualness or negligence from the Purchaser shall not be attributed to Destination Clubbing.

Air services are subject to technical approval by the ticket department, which may be in a situation where it is unable to issue tickets. Indeed, some companies have partial contracts with air systems allowing them to be reserved without making the issuance of tickets possible. In this case, Destination Clubbing is committed to informing the customer within 48 working hours following the confirmation of registration of the order and wherever possible to propose an air routing solution with new tariff conditions remaining the responsibility of the Purchaser.

Please note: As part of the purchase of airline tickets, the Organizer acts as intermediary between the airline and the Purchaser. The carrier may impose on the Organizer, on certain flights, certain dates, to take advantage of certain tariffs, rules of specific programmes such as the issuance of the ticket within a maximum period after booking, access to certain rates reserved for residents of certain countries in particular. In these cases, these emission rules imposed by the carrier on the Organizer are applied to the Purchaser, the Organizer shall be entitled to cancel the booking without charge.

Request for modification and/or cancellation of the order: Any request for modification or cancellation of orders must be made to Destination Clubbing by email. To obtain the appropriate email address, the client will get in phone contact with Destination Clubbing.

By email, Destination Clubbing will forward the Purchaser confirmation of the request for modification or cancellation reminding of the essential elements (the service booked, price, quantity, travel date, name of the recipient of the delivery etc.). In the absence of such a document, the reservation has not been taken into account. The Purchaser shall ensure proper receipt of the confirmation email and consult their inbox regularly. It is also the responsibility of the Purchaser to confirm by return mail the provisions of the cancellation or modification.

In case of cancellation or modification, and after deduction of the amounts due (see Cancellation and Modification article), Destination Clubbing reimburses the Purchaser with all amounts previously paid within a reasonable amount of time.

Please note: Due to particular pricing conditions, certain products or services may be subject to change or cancellation. In these cases, payments cannot be refunded and Destination Clubbing cannot be held responsible on this basis.

Offers displayed on the Site are available for immediate online booking. To book, the Purchaser must select a product on the site and options for the trip (departure dates, destinations, number of people), complete a registration form and provide bank details. In the context of reservations by phone, the Purchaser shall provide all such information to the travel agency. Once this information is provided, the Purchaser validates the general and special conditions of sale informing the travel agency by phone. An order confirmation and an invoice are sent by email to the Purchaser after ordering.

If, exceptionally, tourist packages that require manual processing with confirmation by the producer of the package are offered, the order will be confirmed definitively once the availability and price is confirmed and the actual payment is validated. Please note that any request for reservation of a holiday package requiring manual processing is not subject to a right of withdrawal. The travel agency has the right to apply the cancellation policy.

1.6 Monitoring of the service's performance

In accordance with the requirements of article L.212 - 20-3 of the French Consumer Code, the deadline for fulfilment of the provision in a contract for the sale of travel package or of non-lump-sum tourist services corresponds to the date of travel.

1.7 Holiday Packages

Holidays: Pursuant to article L.211-2 of the Tourism Code, this is a tourist package (or stay) with the service:

1) Resulting from the pre-arranged combination of at least two operations respectively relative to transport, accommodation or other tourist services not ancillary to the transport or accommodation and accounting for a significant share in the package;
2) Exceeding twenty-four hours or including an overnight stay;
3) Sold or offered for sale at an inclusive price.

Dynamic Packages: combination by the Purchaser of a flight and a dry hotel, transfers are not included. Meals are not always included unless stated otherwise when booking. However, if some Dynamic Packages are "all inclusive", this only applies to meals; transfers are not included. For this type of product, no payment schedule is possible.

1.8 Flight: Is referred to as the "Flight", the air service sold alone.

Article L211-3 of the Tourism Code provides that "in case of the sale of airline tickets or tickets on a regular line not accompanied by services linked to these transports, the seller delivers to the purchaser one or more tickets for the whole journey, issued under their responsibility".  The strict liability defined in article L.211-16 of the Tourism Code does not apply for reservation or sale operations, concluded remotely or not, not forming part of a tourist package as defined in article L.211-2 of the Tourism Code, relating either to airline tickets or other transportation tickets on regular lines.

1.9 Multi-company bookings: This refers to a combination of single journeys operated by different airlines. If, in the event of modification of one journey by one of the carriers (e.g. a cancellation or timetable change), the Purchaser wishes to modify the other journey, it is possible that the other airline charges a change of booking fee in accordance with the payment conditions for each ticket.

2. Capacity

The Purchaser acknowledges having the capacity to contract under the conditions described, i.e. being of legal age, being able to legally contract and not under guardianship. The Purchaser guarantees the truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided by them or any other person who placed the order in their name and on their behalf.

Please note: Reminder of article 313-1 of the New French Penal Code:

'Fraud is realised either through the use of a false name or a false capacity, or by abuse of a true quality, or through the use of fraud to deceive any legal or moral person and thus to determine, to the prejudice or injury of a third party, to deliver funds, securities or any property, provide a service or consent to an act or obligation. Fraud is punishable by five years’ imprisonment and a €375,000 fine.'

3. Price and payment

3.1 Prices

By default all prices are in Euros, inclusive of management fees excluding any taxes, issue and/or delivery costs. In accordance with the VAT system on the margin of travel agents, invoices issued by the Organizer do not mention the VAT collected on services sold. However, the user may, via a "multi-currency" module, access the prices in the currency of their choice, as an indication.

Unless expressly stated otherwise in the description of the offer, the price does not include:
- Issurance costs for flights or booking fees for packages/holidays;
- fees for payment by credit card, which are 1% of the total
- the costs of payment by bank transfer, which are 1% of the total
- the costs of paying by cheque, which is 1% of the total
- the costs of paying by cheque, which are 1% of the total
- the costs of paying by American Express, which are 3% of the total
- In case of the impossibility of issuing an e-ticket, the delivery costs for paper tickets or travel book (these vary according to the delivery method chosen);
- the costs of the service and processing;
- insurance;
- for air services: territory exit taxes requested by certain countries, to be paid on site in cash, at check-in; excess baggage; airport parking; visas and the costs of administrative and sanitary formalities necessary for the completion of travel: vaccinations, medical treatments, etc.;
- for hotel services: residential taxes; local taxes or other (e.g.: municipal taxes) additional taxes which can be imposed by local authorities in some countries; payment is made on site and in local currency or other; single room supplement; meals not included in the board basis chosen during the stay, and those consumed during stopovers; drinks taken during the meal (including water bottles when the hotel does not provide drinking water); fees for babies to be settled directly with the hotel; telephone communications; tours and optional excursions, entry to museums and sites; chargeable activities; expenses of a personal nature; mandatory gratuities in some countries; tips to use the guide or the driver during a stay.

For all services, prices include:
- domestic and international airport taxes;
- solidarity levy;
- service costs from providers, namely the costs of services ordered and those incurred by providers

10.3.6 In accordance with French law, in the event of the display of an incorrect price which is ridiculously low, regardless of the reason (IT bug, manual error, technical error, etc.) the sale is null and void. The order, even when validated by the Organizer, will be cancelled. The Organizer shall in no event be liable and pay any compensation for additional costs (transport, accommodation, etc. that would have been generated by the purchase of a service whose price resulted from a computer labelling error.

Please note: Additional local taxes may be imposed by local authorities in some countries. In this case, these taxes are the responsibility of the Buyer and shall be paid on site and in local currency or other. Prices are based on the tariffs and exchange rates listed below and may be revised. Prices should be confirmed prior to any registration.

3.2 Revision of prices
The prices shown are those in effect at the time of booking. The prices are based on tariffs and exchange rates. They are likely to be revised. Prices should be confirmed prior to any registration.

In case of variation of the amount of the taxes, passenger fees and/or fuel premiums applied by the authorities or airlines, these will be fully and immediately reflected in the price of all products from the date of application, including for already registered clients and those having already paid for the corresponding provision.

For customers already booked on packages/holidays, the upward revision of the price of the trip will take place not less than thirty days before the date of departure.

3.3 Payment by credit card

In some cases credit card fees will be charged for transactions made with credit cards. The Purchaser will be notified in advance by the Organizer.

In the context of the payment by credit card 2 or 3 times without fees, the Organizer provides a payment facility linked to a client schedule. This schedule must be respected by the Purchaser.

In the context of payment by bank card in 3 free instalments, the first payment takes place up to D-90 before departure, the second payment takes place on D-60 before departure and the third payment on D-35 before departure. In case of refusal to pay on the second or the third deadline and particularly in the case of exceeding the ceiling of authorisation, the Organiser reserves the right to collect a €50 charge per refusal in respect of the processing fee. This amount will be added to the total amount of the stay and will not be refundable. In case of non-payment on the third deadline, an attempt will be made every day from D-35 to D-30. During this time the Organizer will notify the Purchaser so that the latter does what is required with the banking organisations. In case of refusal of payment on D-30, the order will be cancelled and all monies received will be kept by the organiser and cannot be recovered by the Purchaser

In the context of payment by credit card in 2 free instalments, the first payment takes place up to D-60 before departure and the second payment takes place on D-35 before departure. In case of refusal to pay on the second or the third deadline and particularly in the case of exceeding the ceiling of authorisation, the Organizer reserves the right to collect a €50 charge per refusal in respect of the processing fee. This amount will be added to the total amount of the stay and will not be refundable. In case of non-payment on the second deadline, an attempt will be made every day from D-35 to D-30. During this time the Organizer will notify the Purchaser so that the latter does what is required with the banking organisations. In case of refusal of payment on D-30, the order will be cancelled and all monies received will be kept by the organiser and cannot be recovered by the Purchaser

Warning: The Organizer actively participating in the fight against bank card fraud may request, by any means whatsoever, the Purchaser to provide a photocopy of the bank card used for the payment of the order as well as that of the passport or the identity card of the holder of the bank card, and that of the passenger. In the absence of any response from the Purchaser or with the impossibility of reaching the Purchaser within the appropriate period for option dates, the Organizer cannot process the order and the reservation request will be cancelled without charge.

On the basis of Article L.132.2 the French Monetary and Financial Code, the commitment to pay given through a credit card is irrevocable. The payment cannot be stopped except in the event of loss, theft or fraudulent use of the card. Apart from these cases specifically accepted by law, the cardholder is liable to be guilty of credit card fraud. The right to stop payment cannot be used to counteract the absence of a right of withdrawal applicable to the tourist business.

3.4 Payment by bank transfer

The Organizer accepts payment by bank transfer. The transfer must be confirmed without fail by the issuing bank. This transfer confirmation must be sent to the accounting department whose address details will be sent upon confirmation of the order. This transfer confirmation must state the full name, given name and order number. It must be sent before the option date day; the option being defined as the target date for finalising the reservation.

In some cases and for reasons related to the fight against fraud, the Organizer may be forced to impose bank transfer as an alternative solution for paying of the order, including any bank transfer issued from a bank outside France, from a country other than France.

4. Administrative formalities

It is the Purchaser's responsibility to have informed themself about border crossing formalities (visa, vaccine etc. ...) with the relevant authorities (consulate, embassy) o the one or more destination countries as well as the transit country or countries.

The completion of these administrative formalities and the resulting costs are borne by the passenger.

If the passenger is denied boarding or entry into the transit or destination country through failure to satisfy police, public health or customs formalities, Destination Clubbing can in no way be held responsible. The passenger or Purchaser alone shall bear any punishment and / or any fine imposed as a result of the failure to observe police, public health or customs regulations, as well as the consequences which may accrue. The Organizer will not be liable for, and will not repay the tickets or any other expenses of any kind.

Warning: Regulations in certain countries require a passport valid for at least six (6) months following the date set for return from the trip. Regulations of certain countries require the issuance of an individual passport for children even if they are already included on the passport of their parents and they are travelling together.

5. Sole service for airline transport

5.1 Responsibility for scheduled and charter flights or charters (This paragraph does not apply to bookings for what are known as "low-cost" flights)

As part of the purchase of airline tickets, the Organizer is acting as intermediary between the airline and the Purchaser. The organiser acts as agent for the Purchaser, in whose name and on behalf of whom he concludes the air transport contract. The air transport contract is confirmed by the mere handing over of airline tickets, in accordance with Article L.322-1 of the French Civil Aviation Code.

The responsibility of the Organizer for the provision of dry seats on airlines is controlled by Article L.211-18 of the Tourism Code. The Organizer's responsibility cannot replace that of French or foreign airlines offering the transport or transfer of passengers and baggage. In no event shall the Organizer be held liable for cases of force majeure, due to foreign third parties responsible for the provision of scheduled services or their improper performance in circumstances attributable to the Purchaser.

Changes in timetables or routes, stopovers, changes of airport, delays, missed connections and cancelled flights are among the difficulties specific to air transport. Usually these situations are related to occasional overcrowding of airspace, to the need to respect the air navigation rules, to security requirements and to checking equipment. In the event of compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EC) 261/2004 concerning the rights of passengers during air transport, the Organizer will not be held responsible for the above eventualities, as well as all fortuitous events, cases of force majeure (strikes, bad weather, wars, natural disasters, epidemics, attacks, technical problems etc..) due to third parties or the Purchaser (appearing after boarding time at the airport, refusing registration or embarkation formalities for the police, health authorities or customs, no-show at boarding, etc. ...).

Any possible costs resulting from these contingencies (taxi, hotel, parkin before and/or after airlift etc.) are at the passenger's expense.

In all cases, the responsibilities of airlines and of their representatives, agents or employees are limited in the event of damage, complaints or claims only to the actual air transport of passengers and their luggage as strictly defined in the terms and conditions of the transport contract between the airline and the passenger.

Upon receipt of this repayment, the Organizer will pass on the amount obtained from the company minus a €20 handling fee per passenger.

5.2 Airline tickets for scheduled and charter flights (This paragraph does not apply to bookings for what are known as "low-cost" flights)

Airline tickets will be issued after full payment for the cost of the booking. Airline tickets must be presented to the airline during registration.

Since 1 June 2008, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) has imposed new rules on issuing air transport tickets. From this date, travel agencies and airlines are obliged to issue tickets only on electronic media (electronic ticket or 'e-ticket').

Despite an air route being displayed as available, the Organizer may not be able to honour the reservation.  In fact, because of the technical limitations of airline systems and of certain situations (babies younger than 2 years, agreements between airlines, groups ...) the issue of electronic tickets may prove impossible. This situation beyond the Organizer's control cannot make him liable.

The Organizer undertakes, within 48 business hours after the order, to make every effort to provide an alternative air transport solution. This may be accompanied by €30 booking fee per passenger, by a price difference and / or by additional fees which remain the Purchaser's responsibility. Destination Clubbing may also need to charge a maximum additional surcharge of 50 euros for the price of sending airline tickets (e.g. delivery abroad by Chronopost). This surcharge will be paid by the Purchaser. The Organizer cannot be liable for any failure to deliver due to these services.

Failing an alternative solution, a refusal of a possible fare difference, and the impossibility of issuance, Destination Clubbing would be forced to cancel the reservation without charge and to reimburse it.

A Multi-airline reservation refers to a combination of single journeys operated by different airlines. If in the event of modification of one journey by one of the carriers (e.g. a cancellation or change of schedule) the Purchaser wishes or needs to modify the other journey, it is possible that the other airline charges a different booking modification fee in accordance with the price scale conditions for each ticket.

5.3 Special conditions for booking on so-called "low-cost" flights

5.3.1 Definition of a "low-cost" company or flight

'Low price' airlines, commonly known in France by the English term 'low-cost', propose short or medium haul flights offering fewer services compared with regular companies and charter flights.

On the so-called "low-cost" flights there is only one class of reservation. The so-called "low-cost" companies often use secondary terminals and / or airports (for example Ile de France: Beauvais). Flight services are reduced to a minimum and are usually offered as an option subject to additional charges being paid by the passenger. The fare does not include a meal tray or snack. The seats cannot be allocated in advance. Usually, the so-called "low-cost" airlines do not allow pets on the plane. The scale of charges published by the so-called "low-cost" airlines cannot be sold to passengers under the age of 14 travelling alone.

5.3.2 Purchaser's authorisation and Agreement to sales conditions on so-called "low-cost" flights

Under the terms of these presents, the Purchaser authorises the Organiser to act in their name and on their behalf to make a reservation for their flight with the so-called "low-cost" airline. The transport contract is directly agreed between the Purchaser and the so-called "low-cost" airline. The sale conditions of Destination Clubbing apply to the transaction and the sale conditions of the so-called "low-cost" airline apply in carrying out the transport contract.

5.3.3 Reservation on so-called 'low-cost' flights

The so-called 'low-cost' airlines are clearly identified during reservation. The reservation is made directly between the Purchaser and the so-called "low-cost" airline. Tickets for the so-called "low-cost" airline are not issued by the Organizer but directly by the so-called "low-cost" airline, which is solely responsible for the services and information provided. It is the Purchaser's responsibility to check the accuracy of the information provided during the reservation process.

Once the reservation is completed and confirmed, the Purchaser receives at least the following e-mail

-  An email from the so-called "low-cost" airline including the indispensable electronic ticket for the reserved journey, the flight plan, the schedule confirmation as well as the contact details for the airline
- Two emails from the Organizer: the first summarizing the reservation request (including in particular the Organizer’s file number, the route etc.) and a second confirming the Bank Card receipt.

Warning: the e-mail from the airline may be written only in English.

5.3.4 Billing and Payment Details

Payment of a reservation on a so-called "low-cost" airline can only be made by Bank Card. Other methods of payment are not accepted.

Because of their pricing policy, the so-called "low-cost" airlines charge additional fees connected with the use of a credit card, for luggage registration etc. These charges will be included in the ticket price displayed on the Destination Clubbing site and are not refundable.

5.3.5 Cancellation – Modification – Special request – No-Show

Cancellation and modification conditions for so-called "low-cost" flights are the conditions applicable to the company. If there is any change or cancellation, the Purchaser must contact the airline directly mentioning the references appearing on the confirmation e-mail from the company.

The Organizer cannot make any change or refund reservations on the so-called "low-cost" airline.

In the event of cancellation or change of schedule due to the so-called "low-cost" airline, it will be solely responsible.

In the event of cancellation or no-show due to the Purchaser, cancellation fees usually amount to 100% of the cost of the booking.

For any special request (age limit for unaccompanied children, dimensions and weight of luggage, bringing a pet on board etc.), the Purchaser must directly contact the so-called "low-cost" airline or refer to the company's conditions of sale.

The Purchaser is required to notify the Organizer in writing of any changes made directly with the carrier. The Organizer shall not be liable for any consequences of this failure to inform.

5.3.6 Personal data

The purchaser expressly and in an informed way agrees to the transfer of their data collected by the airline to complete the transaction. This authorization of transfer occurs before any final validation of the reservation. This data transfer is taking place in accordance with the provisions of the "Informatique et Libertés" law of 6 January 1978.

5.4 Pregnant Women - applicable to all flights

Sometimes airlines refuse boarding to pregnant women, when they believe that there is a possible risk of premature birth during the flight. It is the Purchaser's responsibility to learn about this from the airline. The Organizer cannot be held responsible for this decision.

5.5 Babies and Children-applicable to all flights

Babies (younger than 2) do not have a seat on the plane. Consequently, only one baby is accepted per adult passenger. The ticket price is usually 10% of the adult fare. Children (from 2 to 11) may benefit on certain flights from a reduction of up to 50% but availability may be limited. Babies and children are so considered provided they have not reached the age of respectively 2 and 12 before they use their return ticket. Unaccompanied children, commonly known as "UM" (an unaccompanied minor) cannot always benefit from these tariff reductions.

From 4 to 12 (inclusive), the unaccompanied child is considered a "UM" passenger (unaccompanied minor or unaccompanied child). During registration, any child benefitting from this title is taken in charge by the airline without any specific surcharge. From that moment, it is placed under the legal charge of the carrier. A hostess accompanies the child until boarding; and during its journey and / or in the event of a connecting flight by the same company, the crew looks after it. On arrival, the child is accompanied by a hostess to the identity check. After this check, the child is received by a previously designated person.

For children under 4 and over 12, this service is available at an additional cost.

Children under 15 not accompanied by an adult and not traveling in UM (unaccompanied minor or unaccompanied child) are refused entry to the plane.

Apart from this service, the airlines do not take legal custody of children over 12 years travelling alone but can help in cases of difficulty. The conditions for acceptance or refusal of unaccompanied minors under the age of 12 are left to the discretion of the airline.

Warning: Some airlines adopt a quota policy for the number of babies allowed to board the aircraft and for each flight. This technical limit imposed by airlines requires the Organizer to question the company; the response time is 24 hours per company and for each booking. If the quota is attained, the Organiser shall notify the Purchaser of unavailability. In this event, Destination Clubbing cannot be liable.

5.6 Special Requests - applicable to all flights

To make transport easier and verify the application of the special rules of the airline for personal assistance, the Purchaser must notify the Organiser of all assistance required (for physical or mental disability, age, illness, obesity etc.). The Purchaser is required to study the text of "Remarks or special requests" in stage 5 of their order or other distribution channels when registering (by phone or agency).

Reminder: please refer to Section 12 of the presents for the fees for the applicable services.

5.7 Luggage - applicable to all flights

The following are prohibited in luggage under the IATA international regulations about hazardous materials, including explosive, inflammable, corrosive, oxidizing, irritating, toxic or radioactive items, compressed gases and the objects not authorized by States.

For more extensive prior information, the Organizer suggests the Purchaser should visit the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) website to learn about the measures and download the document about restrictive measures for liquids in cabin luggage.

Each airline shall adopt its own policy about non-authorised items in luggage. The Purchaser must read the conditions of the transport contract on the back of the ticket carefully.

The Organizer cannot be held responsible in the event of the company refusing to accept a bag on the plane. In the event of the carrier refusing to accept luggage on board, the Organizer shall not be liable for any expenses of any kind.

Hand or cabin luggage (any luggage not checked into the hold): Each company has its own policy. Usually, the carrier allows one item of cabin luggage per passenger, and its circumference should not exceed 115cm and its weight should not be greater than 5Kg. These guidelines may vary depending on the type of plane. This luggage remains the responsibility of the Purchaser for the entire duration of the trip.

Checked baggage: Each company has its own policy, particularly so-called "low-cost" airlines. Generally, the carrier allows for a 15Kg baggage allowance per passenger on charter flights and cheap flights (low-cost flights) and a 20kg baggage allowance per passenger on scheduled flights (economy class). In the event of excess weight, the passenger must if authorized pay an additional fee to the airline at the airport.  During booking, the Purchaser must learn from the Organizer about the excess baggage policy adopted by the airline.

In the event of loss, damage, theft of personal effects and / or luggage on arrival (single and / or return) the Purchaser must establish an attestation of a baggage report before finally leaving the airport. Once the report has been drawn up, the Purchaser is advised to send the declaration to the airline together with the original copies of documents within 21 days from the day of the incident. After this period, the application will be rejected in accordance with the provisions of the Montreal International Convention.

The Organizer cannot be held responsible if anyone is denied boarding or has any item considered dangerous confiscated by the airline or the airport authorities. It is the passenger's responsibility to inquire about prohibited items in the hold or in the cabin.

5.8 Overbooking - applicable to all flights

In the event of overbooking, a practice which compensates for no-show passengers, the airline is required to provide compensation to passengers who suffer this inconvenience. The Organizer cannot be held liable for overbooking. The Organiser cannot be liable for any charges if a passenger finds that they are denied boarding.

When a person carries out multiple reservations on the same flight (a practice known as 'dupe'), or on several flights of the same airline for the same air route on the same day, some companies reserve the right to cancel the tickets without prior notice and without any eventual refund.

5.9 No-show at departure for scheduled and charter flights (This paragraph does not apply to bookings for so-called "low-cost" flights)

For charter flights, the airline reserves the right to cancel the other services as well as the return ticket unless confirmation by the Purchaser is sent no later than one hour after the scheduled take-off for the outgoing flight, subject to approval by the airline.

For airlines, in the event of no-show at departure (no-show), the Airline reserves the right to cancel the other services as well as the return flight.

Every interrupted or shortened journey or any service not used due to the Purchaser will not entitle them to any refund, or in particular to any airline seat on the outward or return journey. If the Purchaser has subscribed to an insurance option covering in particular the interruption of the stay, he must comply with the terms of the cancellation policy contained in the terms and conditions of the insurance contract.

All segments of the tickets, including train tickets, must be used in the correct order, failing which the airline reserves the right to adjust the price or cancel the seats. These conditions also apply to tickets with part of the journey by train. Some companies do not return taxes for partially used tickets.

In the event of no-show for the flight, Destination Clubbing applies a processing fee for airport taxes of up to 60 euros per passenger.

5.10 On site facilities - applicable to all flights

Under certain circumstances (airlines, destinations, prices etc.), the purchase of ground services is compulsory. The Organizer shall not be liable for any charges, or to make a refund, if a passenger is denied boarding for non-compliance with this provision.

5.11 Pets on scheduled flights and charter flights (This paragraph does not apply to bookings for so-called "low-cost" flights)

Each company has its own policy about transporting animals. On charter flights, in principle they are forbidden. On some scheduled flights under certain conditions (safety regulations, prior approval by the airline etc.) certain categories of pets may be accepted as checked baggage or in the cabin, depending on the size of the animal. Prior to booking, the Purchaser must find out about the company on which they plan to travel. There may be a charge for the transport of animals; usually payment will be made at the company's check-in counter. To lean the cost of this service, the Purchaser must find out directly from the airline. The Purchaser must mention in the "Remarks or special requests" section in stage 5 of the order the weight, race and size of container for transport.

5.12 Special meals - applicable to all flights

Generally, charter flights do not offer any. On scheduled flights, the Purchaser must check with the Organizer to learn about the airline’s policy. They must specify the request in the "Remarks or special requests" section of their order.

5.13 Registration - applicable to all flights

Unless otherwise stated, passengers are summoned to the airport check-in desk three hours before take-off for charter flights and two hours before take-off for scheduled flights. The deadline for registration after which passenger registration is no longer accepted varies between airlines. The deadline for registration is duly mentioned on the flight plan for scheduled flights or in the airport flight notification for charter flights.

These times can vary for passengers requiring assistance (see below). The Organizer cannot be held responsible and cannot undertake any expenses of any kind if a passenger is denied registration for appearing after the deadline. The deadline for registration is duly mentioned on the flight plan for scheduled flights or in the airport convocation for charter flights.  Failing this, the Organiser clearly indicates the time for check-in.

The passenger will then be considered "no-show" and will not be entitled to a refund on the unused ticket.

Warning: people with limited mobility and people requiring assistance of any kind, unaccompanied children (UM), passengers with oversized or excess luggage, or traveling with pets to be placed in the hold should find out from the Organizer or airline to verify the deadline for registration.

5.14 Identity of carrier - applicable to all flights

In accordance with Articles R-211-15 et seq. of the French Tourism Code, the Purchaser is informed of the identity of the contracting or de facto carriers liable to make the purchased flight. The Organiser shall notify the Purchaser of the identity of the actual airline which will make the flight or flights. In the event of a change of carrier, the Purchaser will be informed by the contracting carrier or by the Organiser, by any appropriate means, as soon as he becomes aware of it and at the latest during registration or boarding for the connecting flights.

Under article 9 of the European Regulation 2111/2005 of 14 December 2005, the list of airlines banned from operating in the European Community is available on the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/transport/air-ban/list_fr.htm.

5.15 Schedules and types of aircraft - applicable to all flights

The schedules, type of aircraft, the airline and the journey are given for information but remain subject to confirmation. In accordance with Regulation (EC) 261/2004 establishing common rules about compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and the cancellation or major delay to a flight under certain conditions, the carrier or the Organizer is entitled to modify all or part of these elements.

5.16 Connections; applicable to all flights

In accordance with international agreements, connections are not guaranteed. It is therefore advisable not to make any commitments for the day of the outward or return journey, or for the following day.

5.17 Confirmation of return flight - applicable to all flights

For charter flights, the Purchaser must confirm their return flight 72 hours at the latest before the date of their return to the local correspondent of the Organizer, whose address details are provided on the ticket and the airport flight notification.

For scheduled flights, the Purchaser must confirm their return flight 72 hours at the latest before their date of return with the airline. Upon their arrival, the Purchaser can go to the airline's check-in desk to obtain its address details.

5.18 Loss or theft of ticket - applicable to all flights

In the event of the deletion of the email containing the electronic ticket, the Purchaser must submit an application to the Organizer so the latter can send their plane ticket to their electronic address.

In the event of loss or theft of the paper air ticket during the journey, the Purchaser must make a specific statement to the police and the airline. The Purchaser must provide for their return at their own expense by buying another ticket from the issuing company. All the consequences of the loss or theft of a ticket shall be the Purchaser's responsibility. However, a refund may possibly be requested at the airline's discretion, with all original documents (bought ticket stub, boarding card etc.). According to the airlines' own professional practice, the time limit for a response is one year.

Warning: the procedure which the airline requires is dependent on whether the paper ticket was sent by the company or collected at the airport.

5.19 On site modification of the return journey for scheduled and charter flights (This paragraph does not apply to bookings for so-called "low-cost" flights)

For any on site modification to the return journey for a charter flight, the Purchaser must contact the local representative. Such modification may lead to the payment of additional charges to be borne by the Purchaser. For a scheduled flight, the Purchaser must contact the airline directly which may require the payment of fees or a price adjustment at the Purchaser’s expense.  Some tickets (except e-tickets) can be modified on site depending on the availability the fare class on the ticket. Conversely, some tickets cannot be modified, which necessitates the purchase of new tickets.

The Purchaser is required to notify the Organizer in writing of any changes made directly with the carrier. The Organiser shall not be liable for any consequences of this failure to inform.

5.20 Open returns for scheduled and charter flights (This paragraph does not apply to bookings for what are known as "low-cost" flights)

For scheduled flights with an "open" return date, the Purchaser is requested to reserve a date of return as early as possible because its confirmation is subject to availability.

5.21 Airports for scheduled and charter flights (This paragraph does not apply to bookings for what are known as "low-cost" flights)

When the city or place of arrival or departure possesses several airports, the carrier can take off / land from any of them without giving rise to compensation. For example, in Paris the carrier may be required to land at Orly or Roissy Charles de Gaulle. The shuttle expenses (taxi, bus, car, etc.) remain the responsibility of the passenger.

5.22 Direct Flights - applicable to all flights

Direct flights can be continuous or have one or more stopovers (according to the airlines, it is the same flight because it has an identical flight number) with or without changing aircraft and without Destination Clubbing being informed.

5.23 Pre and post-routing - applicable to all flights

If the passenger organises their own pre and / or post-routing, the Organizer recommends reserving tickets which can be modified or refunded, to counter any financial loss. In such cases, Destination Clubbing cannot be liable.

5.24 Miscellaneous provisions - applicable to all flights

The carrier reserves the right in the event of circumstances beyond its control or technical difficulties, to send passengers by any mode of transport of its choice with reasonable diligence, and no compensation may be claimed by them. For this reason, the Organizer recommends the Purchaser not to take on any commitments for the day of departure and for the day of his return from the trip or the next day.

6. Vacations - Dynamic Package

Definition of Dynamic Packages: combining a dry seat and hotel for the Purchaser, while transfers are never included. Meals are not included unless otherwise stated during reservation. For this type of product, no payment deadline is available.

6.1 Liability

For the sale of Dynamic Packages and Holidays, Destination Clubbing acts as tour organizer and is subject to Articles L.211-1 and following of the Tourism Code.

The Organiser cannot be liable for fortuitous events and cases of force majeure (strikes, bad weather, wars, natural disasters, epidemics, attacks, technical problems etc. ...), due to third parties, the Purchaser or the service provider.

Any expenses resulting from these contingencies (taxi, hotel, parking, pre and / or post air travel ... etc.) shall be borne by the Purchaser.

6.2 Length of Stay

The length of stay in the hotel is shown on the voucher. Travel time is calculated from the day of airport check-in for departure until the day of return. Prices are based on the number of nights spent. The night is the period of room availability which varies by hotel. The first and the last day may be shortened due to a late arrival or an early departure, depending on the schedules provided by the airline. You are recommended not to arrange work commitments and / or an excessively short time for transit / connections on the day of departure or the day before, and the day of return or the following day, especially for charter flights which are more often subject to changes in flight plan or to delays.

6.3 Voucher

A voucher ("Voucher") will be given to the Purchaser following full payment. The Purchaser must remit it to reception / or hotel reception on the day of arrival. Only the services exclusively listed on the voucher are included in the price of the service.

6.4 Occupying and leaving rooms

The bedrooms are available from between 2.00 p.m. and 6 p.m. on the day of arrival and must be vacated by 11 a.m. the next morning. It is not possible to make exceptions to this rule, so any early arrival or late departure is considered an extra night for which the customer must pay an additional fee to the hotel.

In the event of late arrival at the hotel, including for a Dynamic Package, the Purchaser must inform the travel agency or the hotel about the delay to secure the booking, to avoid the risk of cancellation.

6.5 Types of bedroom

Single rooms, although subject to a considerable price supplement, usually include a bed for one person. The double rooms are provided with either two beds or, more rarely, with a double bed. In international hotel practice, true triple rooms do not exist. They are usually hotel double rooms where the hotel owner provides an extra bed which is often not very comfortable. All special requests (e.g. cots, special meals, special baggage / sports equipment, etc. ...) are subject to availability on arrival and may lead to additional charges payable on site.

6.6 Classification of the establishment

The indication of the level of comfort given to hotels in the description corresponds to a classification made by reference to local standards in the host country, which may differ from French standards or standards in the country of registration.

6.7 Meals

All inclusive: This package includes accommodation, breakfast, lunch, dinner and customary drinks (mineral water, fruit juice, soda, wine, local alcoholic beverages) usually from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Some alcoholic drinks cannot be included in the package and will be billed by the hotel.

Full board: This package includes accommodation, breakfast, lunch and dinner without drinks unless otherwise stated.

Half board: this package includes accommodation, breakfast and lunch or dinner as the case may be, without drinks unless otherwise stated.

Breakfast: this package includes accommodation and breakfast, without drinks unless otherwise stated.

In some countries, service providers do not possess drinking water, so the purchase cost of bottled drinking water will be borne by the customer.

Any additional services not included in the formula are payable on site by the customer at the hotel.

6.8 Activities

Although the Organizer endeavours to update the information contained in his descriptive documents about free or paid on site activities, Destination Clubbing cannot be held responsible in the event of the cancellation of such activities for reasons of climate, force majeure, vacations outside the tourist season, or the necessary number of participants for the activity not being attained.

6.9 Changing hotels, moving hotels

The service provider or the Organizer may be required for multiple legitimate reasons (technical reasons, force majeure, actions by a third party, the Purchaser's actions etc.), to substitute for the originally booked hotel another hotel of the same category offering equivalent services, without giving rise to compensation unless this measure modifies an essential element of the trip. Wherever possible, the Purchaser will be notified in advance and no compensation can be claimed by the Purchaser.

Otherwise, it is up to the service provider to relocate the Purchaser in an establishment offering equivalent levels of comfort and quality.

6.10 Rail transport

When the package / stay includes rail transport, the use of the tickets is subject to the special validity conditions shown on them. No change in itinerary or duration can occur during the trip without the consent of the Organizer. Any modification caused by the Purchaser or by force majeure shall be at the Purchaser’s liability for any charges entailed. Children who have received a reduction must be able to prove their age. The Purchaser should be in possession of travel documents certifying that he is having a package / stay (total bill, accommodation documents, etc. ...). In some trains, the payment of a reserved seat or couchette is obligatory as well as the payment of any possible supplementary charges. The Organizer cannot be held responsible for changes in timetables, routes or station caused by external events such as: strikes, technical problems or bad weather. In any event the carrier's liability is limited to international conventions governing rail transport.

Some carriers apply their own baggage policy. The Purchaser must learn about the objects which he can carry in his accompanying luggage and the restrictions in force. The terms vary from one carrier to another, but it is preferable to make a casual inspection.

6.11 A traveller's book of tickets

A traveller's book of tickets will be given to the Purchaser or sent by e-mail after full payment, including 1) transport tickets (airport flight notice for a charter flight, plane ticket for a scheduled flight and train ticket for a rail journey) and 2) the voucher ("Voucher") for ground services. Only the services exclusively listed on the voucher are included in the price of the service.

In the event that the customer does not receive such notice by mail, they are required to contact the agency or Organizer before his departure.

6.12 Photos and Illustrations

Destination Clubbing makes every effort to offer you photos illustrating or describing the services referenced on the Site. Illustrations are intended just to evoke the chosen destination and are only indicative. Descriptive photographs give an overview of the class or level of services.

6.13 Extras

Payment for extras must be made at the hotel, prior to departure. It is the Purchaser's sole responsibility to check the basis and accuracy of billing for these extras and settle any outstanding amount on site.  In no event can Destination Clubbing intervene in any way in the consequences of a direct transaction (the extras being by definition excluded from the services included in the price for accommodation) between a customer and a hotel, either during your stay or after the trip.

6.14 Valuables ​​and Luggage

Destination Clubbing cannot be held responsible for the loss, disappearance or theft of luggage left in a hotel room or elsewhere, or even on a bus or any other means of transport.

7. Transfer of contract

7.1. Processing fee

In the event of the transfer of the contract, the transferor and/or transferee are bound beforehand to pay the resulting costs. When these costs exceed the amounts indicated in the contractual documents, the supporting documentation will be provided merely on request.

For any transfer of an order carried out, a flat processing fee of €30 per booking is charged.

7.2. The Purchaser may assign his contract (excluding insurance contracts) to a third party, as long as the contract has produced no effect and provided that they inform the organizer by specifying precisely the name and address of the transferee or transferees and or tour participant or participants and proving that they fulfil the same conditions as they did to make the journey or stay (especially children, who should be part of the same age group). The contract takes effect from the time of reservation and the issuance of electronic tickets and vouchers for other services.

7.3. The transfer of the contract involves the following costs to be paid by the Purchaser:

For holidays with air or train transpor
"At more than 7 days before departure €70 per person + €30 flat fee per booking
"At 7 days or less - impossible in most cases

For stays with bus transit or without transport
"Between 30 and 21 days before departure 10 euros per person + €30 flat fee per booking
"Between 20 to 8 days before departure 20 euros per person + €30 flat fee per booking
"At 7 days or less from departure 30 euros per person + €30 flat fee per booking

Warning: On certain companies or with certain products the product contract takes effect from the time of booking the package tour. In this case, the contract is not transferable. The transferor and transferee shall be jointly and severally liable for payment of any balance of sale and additional costs arising from such transfer. Supplementary insurance is not refundable or transferable under any circumstances.

8. Claims and obtaining the guarantee

As referred to in Article L.121-19 III of the French Consumer Code, the guarantee consists of the monitoring by the after trip department once the service has been provided. Pursuant to paragraph 12 of Article R.211-6 of the Tourism Code, any claim must be sent to Destination Clubbing by any means liable to produce acknowledgement of receipt to the vendor as quickly as possible. After this brief period, the booking cannot be treated with the same diligence. The time for dealing with claims depends on the response of the service providers. For fast and efficient processing of the application, it is vital to send all the relevant documentation.

After having contacted the after trip department, if the response does not seem satisfactory and / or there is failure to respond within 90 days, the Purchaser may make a complaint to the Tourism and Travel Mediator whose contact details and referral procedures are available on the www.mtv.travel the site.

9. Insurance

No insurance is included in the price offered by the Organizer. Therefore, the organizer recommends that the Purchaser, in accordance with their needs, subscribe to the proposed insurance contract during reservation to cover the consequences of cancellation or modification of the purchased service. The risks covered by these guarantees, their cost, the amount of coverage, the exclusions and the repayment terms appear on the insurance contract. The organizer suggests that the Purchaser reads the contract carefully prior to any registration. The subscriber can view and print it on the Destination Clubbing website.

When the Purchaser buys insurance, he expressly agrees that his personal data will be sent to the insurance company.

10. Cancellations and Changes

10.1 General conditions for dealing with modifications and cancellations for air transport

Any request for modification or cancellation of the order must be made to Destination Clubbing by email. To obtain the appropriate email address, the customer should contact Destination Clubbing by telephone.

By email, Destination Clubbing will forward confirmation of the request for modification or cancellation to the Purchaser, recalling the essential elements (the service booked, price, quantity, travel date, name of the recipient of the service etc.). In the absence of such a document, the reservation will not be taken into account. The Purchaser shall ensure proper receipt of the confirmation email and consult their inbox regularly. The Purchaser is also responsible for confirming by return mail the provisions of this cancellation or modification.

If cancelled or modified by the Purchaser, and with deduction of the sums owed to the Organizer (taxes, cancellation / amendment fees, booking fees and insurance costs), the Organizer will reimburse the Purchaser within a reasonable time for all sums previously paid by them.

No refund or cancellation fee bill can be obtained if the voucher or ticket is not in possession of Destination Clubbing. The sum total of the cancellation fee and the €30 processing fee per passenger will not exceed the total amount including all taxes of the booking.

The cancellation or modification of the order for any reason does not relieve the Purchaser of the payment of amounts due from them to the Organizer.

Due to the specific nature of the conditions applied from one carrier to another, and depending on the type of reservation made (non-modifiable ticket / non-refundable, ticket issue period ...), some tickets cannot be subject to refunds as provided above. It is the Purchaser's responsibility to verify the cancellation, modification and issuance conditions in accordance with the reserved ticket.

On scheduled flights, all sections must be used, otherwise the airline will be entitled to adjust the price or cancel the seats.

In case of no-show at departure, Destination Clubbing reserves the right to cancel the other services as well as the return ticket, if the customer cannot justify themselves by force majeure having prevented them from being present at departure.

Warning: Some products and services cannot be modified or cancelled. The amounts paid under these circumstances cannot be refunded. Some airline companies do not repay taxes for partially used tickets.

Warning about "Multi-company Reservation": this means a combination of single journeys operated by different airlines. If, in the event of modification of one journey by one of the carriers (e.g. a cancellation or change of schedule), the Purchaser wishes to modify the other journey, it is possible that the other airline would charge a different booking modification fee in accordance with the price scale payment conditions for each ticket.

10.2 Scale for modification and cancellation charges for air transport

The cancellation or modification of any reservation involves expenses which are billed according to the scale below:

For flights before the issue of the ticket (excluding low-cost flights)
"At more than 30 days before departure 10% of total* amount + €30 processing fee per participant
"Between 30 and 21 days before departure 25% of total amount + €30 processing fee per participant
"Between 20 and 8 days before departure 50% of total* amount + €30 processing fee per participant
"Between 7 and 2 days before departure 75% of total amount + €30 processing fee per participant
"At less than 2 days before departure 100% of total including all taxes**

For flights after the issue of the ticket (excluding low-cost flights)
"Up to two days prior to departure 90% of total amount*   + €30 processing fee per participant
"At less than 2 days before departure 100% of total amount**

For low-cost flights:
"100% of charges from the time of booking

Warning: depending on the product sold, there may be exceptions to the cancellation and amendment conditions defined above. In fact, stays are governed by the terms and conditions of the Tour Operator; the cancellation and modification conditions vary with the Tour Operator organising the stay. These details will be made known during the sales process and included on the confirmation slip.

* Excluding taxes, administrative fees and insurance

Ticket ** cannot be modified - non-refundable - Application for refund of certain charges (only possible if 100% of charges):

1/ Return the ticket or tickets issued, including paper tickets and train tickets, to the Organizer with the written request for reimbursement.

2/  processing time by the airline: allow 2 to 3 months.

3/ Refund by Destination Clubbing by the amount received from the company minus €30 handling fee per ticket until the day before departure (for a cancellation before departure) and minus €60 processing fee per ticket- for later (for cancellation on the day of departure - a no-show at flight departure).

Warning: In the event of cancellation, insurance is not refundable and a €30 processing fee per person will be charged.

10.3. Cancellation of stay

10.3.1 Cancellation or modification initiated by the Purchaser

Requests for the cancellation of orders on the Purchaser's initiative must be made to Destination Clubbing by email. To obtain the appropriate email address, the customer should contact Destination Clubbing by telephone.

Unless specified otherwise in the description file for the reserved journey, processing and cancellation fees are collected by Destination Clubbing. The date of receipt of the email is the basis for the collection of the following costs (we advise you to speed up the processing of your cancellation by sending an e-mail marked "request to cancel booking ... ")

10.3.2 Cancellation Fees (except under specific conditions) for stays without transport or with transport by bus:
"At more than 35 days before departure 10% of total amount* + €30 flat fee per booking
"From 35 to 31 days before departure 25% of total amount* + €30 flat fee per booking
"From 30 to 21 days before departure 40% of the total amount* + €30 flat fee per booking
"From 20 to 15 days before departure 60% of the total amount* + €30 flat fee per booking
"From 35 to 31 days before departure 25% of the total amount* + €30 flat fee per booking
"At 7 days or less of departure 100% of the total amount*

Warning: depending on the product sold, there may be exceptions to the cancellation and modification conditions defined above. In fact, stays are governed by the terms and conditions of the Tour Operator; the cancellation and modification conditions vary with the Tour Operator organising the stay. These details will be made known during the sales process and included on the confirmation slip.

* Excluding taxes, administrative fees and insurance

Warning: depending on the product sold, there may be exceptions to the cancellation and amendment conditions defined above. In fact, stays are governed by the terms and conditions of the Tour Operator; the cancellation and modification conditions vary with the Tour Operator organising the stay. These details will be made known during the sales process and included on the confirmation slip.

10.3.3 Cancellation Fees (except with special conditions) for stays with transport by plane:
"At more than 60 days before departure the included air ticket price + €50 per person*
"From 60 to 31 days before departure the air ticket price included + 30% of the total ground services with a minimum of €200 per person*
"From 30 to 21 days before departure the air ticket price included + 50% of the total ground services*
"Between 21 and 8 days before departure the air ticket price included + 75% of the total ground services*
"At 7 days or less from departure 100% of the total amount*

* Excluding taxes, administrative fees and insurance

Warning: depending on the product sold, there may be exceptions to the cancellation and amendment conditions defined above. In fact, holidays are governed by the terms and conditions of the Tour Operator; the cancellation and modification conditions vary with the Tour Operator organising the stay. These details will be made known during the sales process and included on the confirmation slip.

10.3.4 Cancellation Fees for products with a promotional price

Any product being identified as having a promotional price (first minute, last minute, flash sale, private sale, or any wording about reduced transaction costs) and all products with a promotional date will have cancellation fees of up to 100%. A promotion date is identifiable by the word promotion or a discount percentage that is displayed on the product page. All requests for cancellation by the customer of a stay sold as part of these special operations will be billed at 100% of the price, regardless of the date on which it is made.

10.3.5 Fees and elements non-refundable 


If your order includes a ticket for a concert or a festival, this will not be able to be refunded in the event of cancelling on your part. In certain cases a cancelation can be considered but fees may be applied.

The cost of issuing passports, visas and other documents for customs clearance as well as insurance and reservation fees can in no event be refunded.

Any interrupted or shortened stay or any other unused service by the customer for any reason whatsoever, especially in case of no-show or late appearance at the place of meeting does not give rise to any refund.

In the event of a minimum number of participants, the reservation is concluded under the condition precedent that the minimum number of participants has to be attained.

If cancelled for lack of participants, no later than 21 days before the departure date, the Purchaser shall immediately be refunded for all monies paid. In some cases, the service may be maintained despite the insufficient number of participants, requiring a price supplement paid by the Purchaser. If this price increase is significant, the Purchaser may then either accept the higher price or cancel the contract and obtain, without penalty, the refunding of the monies paid. Destination Clubbing shall in no event be considered liable for and shall not be liable for any compensation.

10.3.6 In accordance with French law, in the event of the display of an incorrect price which is ridiculously low, regardless of the reason (IT bug, manual error, technical error, etc.), the sale is annulled. The order, even when validated by the Organizer, will be cancelled. The Organiser shall in no event be liable and make any compensation for accessory expense (transport, accommodation ...) that would have been generated by the purchase of a service whose price resulted from a computer labelling error.

10.4 Modification to the stay

10.4.1 Modification on the Purchaser's initiative Processing Fee

For any modification to an order made more than 7 days before departure, a processing fee at a 30 euros flat rate per booking is taken in addition to the modification change. Modification before departure

Requests in writing by the Purchaser before departure resulting in a change of destination and / or city of departure and / or hotel and / or departure date are considered to be cancellations. In these cases the cancellation policy set out in section 10.3 applies. Any other order modification prior to departure at the request of the Purchaser will entail the following charges:
"At more than 35 days before departure €70 per person + €30 flat fee per booking
"From 35 to 21 days before departure €20 per person + €30 flat fee per booking
"Between 20 to 8 days before departure 20 euros per person + €30 flat fee per booking
"At 7 days or less before departure €70 per person + €30 flat fee per booking

Exception: any request to modify the name of participants following a spelling error and / or modification of title will result in the billing of any possible fees charged by the service provider.

Warning: in the case of services including transport by scheduled flight, these costs may rise to the repurchase amount for the outward and return ticket.

10.4.2 Modification by the Travel Agency The modification of an essential element of the travel contract by the travel agency before departure is governed by Article R 211-11 of the Tourism Code contained in the General Conditions of Sale.

The Travel Agency shall inform the Purchaser of the amendment to the contract by e-mail or by recommended letter with acknowledgment of receipt, and the Purchaser may:

- either cancel the contract and obtain immediate reimbursement of the sums paid;
- or accept the modification or the replacement journey offered by the Travel Agency, a rider to the contract specifying the changes made is then signed by the parties (there may be an email summarizing the changes, to be returned by the customer with the wording GOOD FOR AGREEMENT); any reduction in price will be deducted from any amounts remaining due from the Purchaser, and if the payment already made by the latter exceeds the price of the modified service, the overpayment must be returned to them.

In the event that the proposed replacement services are of equal or superior quality, no subsequent financial compensation can be claimed. When the travel agency is unable to provide a significant portion of the proposed services in the contract, the travel agency will in accordance with Article R. 211-13 of the Tourism Code reproduced hereafter:

- either offer services in lieu of the proposed services, bearing any extra cost, and if the services accepted by the Purchaser are of inferior quality, the Travel Agency shall refund, on the Purchaser's return, the price difference;
- or, if it cannot offer any alternative services or if they are rejected by the Purchaser for valid reasons, provide the Purchaser, at no additional cost, with travel tickets to ensure their return, in conditions considered equivalent, to the place of departure or to another place accepted by both parties. Certain information contained on the Site may be changed before the conclusion of the travel contract. The Travel Agency undertakes to provide its customers with any changes that may be made to the information contained on the present is site. The stages of circuits, hikes, excursions etc. may be modified by the tour operator without notice in accordance with certain local requirements (official trips, cultural events, politics, climate, etc.) during which the hotels are sometimes requisitioned or cannot access destinations.

In addition, the circuits being already used on certain dates, the stages can be reversed or rearranged, all the visits being respected as far as possible. The opening and closing dates for hotels and certain services may be subject to modification. The same goes for the departure day for aircraft, which can possibly lead to a price change. In the event of any possible modification to the programme, the  Travel Agency undertakes to inform the customer as quickly as possible.

11. No right of withdrawal

Pursuant to Article L.121-20-4, 2° of the French Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal in distance selling does not apply to contracts for the sale of accommodation, transport, catering and leisure services to be provided on a set date or according to a specific periodicity.

12. Use of Site

The Website is provided on the basis of an "as is" service and is accessible subject to availability.

Destination Clubbing is in no way responsible if, due to Site maintenance operations or for reasons beyond its control, the User may not access the Site, or if access is interrupted at any time, or if any defect beyond its control prevents an operation from being performed. Destination Clubbing does not guarantee that the Site is free from computer viruses or other defects independent of its will.

The information contained on the Site has been given the greatest possible attention. However, some errors may occur in the description of services and / or prices between publication and the dissemination of information. The correction will be made during reservation and confirmed by the order slip.

Destination Clubbing makes every effort to offer you photos illustrating or describing the services referenced on the Site. Illustrations are intended only to evoke the chosen destination and are only indicative. Descriptive photographs give an overview of the class or level of services.

13. Intellectual property

All site content and all intellectual property rights are the property of Destination Clubbing, its affiliates or its partners. The Destination Clubbing trade name, other trademarks and the logos displayed on the Site are part of the Destination Clubbing portfolio of brands or its partner companies.  Web design: 1pixel.fr

No right or ownership over the content on the Site is conceded. Any unauthorized use of all or part of the Site and the intellectual property rights will be subject to legal proceedings.

14. Information processing

The Purchaser is advised that their order is subject to normative computer processing. This information allows the Organizer as well as service providers to process and execute the order.

The Purchaser agrees and understands that their data is transmitted to suppliers and subcontractors in connection with the performance of services, without geographical limitations.

15. Various provisions

The fact that the Organizer does not take advantage at any given moment, of any one of the provisions of the present terms of sale should not be construed as waiving the right to subsequently enforce any such said provisions.

In the event that any provision of the conditions of sale is declared void or unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed null and void, without affecting the validity of the remaining provisions unless the provision declared null and void and without effect was essential and decisive. In the latter case, the parties will negotiate its replacement by a provision of equivalent economic effect.

The organiser cannot be held responsible for acts of God, force majeure (including strikes, bad weather, natural disasters, breakdown in the means of communication...) due to third parties, or the Purchaser's fault (presentation after check-in time, non-compliance with administrative, customs and health formalities, no-show at boarding etc.).

The purchaser shall therefor bear all the financial consequences resulting from the occurrence of an event of force majeure affecting the execution of the Organizer's obligations.

16. Proof - Applicable law - Jurisdiction

It is expressly agreed that, in the absence of manifest error reported by the applicant, the data stored in the Destination Clubbing computer system and / or its partners have probative value about the orders made. Data conserved by Destination Clubbing on computer or electronic media constitutes proof and, if it is produced as evidence by Destination Clubbing in any litigation of any kind, it will be admissible, valid and enforceable between the parties, in the same way and under the same conditions and with the same probative force as any document created, received or retained in writing.

The conditions of sale are subject to French law. Any dispute concerning their interpretation and / or execution is a matter for the French courts.